A number of members of Leeds Law Society have raised questions regarding the use of CE File in Leeds. We have prepared the following tips to assist users when CE Filing documents at the Business and Property Courts in Leeds.

1. Confidential Documents

Where uploading confidential documents, please ensure that:

a. the name of the file (i.e. the PDF/word document) uploaded is marked “CONFIDENTIAL” in all caps – for example:

“CONFIDENTIAL – Application Notice 22.11.2019 (extension of time).pdf”;

b. you select the confidential tick box on CE File when uploading the file; and

c. the description added on the CE File text boxes “file description” (i) states CONFIDENTIAL  all in capitals and (ii) includes a brief explanation as to why the file is confidential.

This will assist the Court staff to identify and process confidential documents swiftly and as appropriate.

2. Uploading documents

When uploading documents, please ensure that you have chosen the correct filing type and sub-type and have chosen the most suitable option. The “miscellaneous” and “correspondence” options should only be used where no other suitable or more appropriate filing type can be identified. This will enable Court staff to process documents more easily and speed up the process where documents need to be referred to a judge.

When filing an application notice with accompanying witness statement or claim form with particulars of claim, users should use the “add associated filing” option to add the witness statement / particulars of claim, rather than  uploading all the documents using “add another document” under the originating application / claim form.

3. File description

When uploading documents, please ensure that the file name is indicative of the content of the documents.

Use should be made of the “File Description” box to give details of the content of the document uploaded. For example, if you are uploading a witness statement, users should input something along the lines of the following into the file description box, which reflects the summary in the top right of the witness statement:    “First witness statement of John Smith for the Claimant – dated 22.11.2019 (extension of time app)”

The exhibit would be uploaded using the “add another” option and the file description box should state:


“Exhibit JS1 accompanying the first witness statement of John Smith dated 22.11.2019”.
If any of the documents are confidential, make sure they are marked “CONFIDENTIAL” as set out above.

This will assist all users of CE File in using the electronic file.

4. Skeleton arguments

Where an order requires skeleton arguments to be filed, they must be uploaded to CE File by either the solicitor or counsel within the timetable stipulated in the relevant order. Parties may also wish to consider emailing a copy to bpc.leeds@justice.gov.uk.

A CE File Users Guide for the Business and Property Courts in Leeds is being compiled by Leeds Law Society and will be circulated in due course.

If you have any questions in the meantime regarding CE File, please contact info@leedslawsociety.org.uk or catherine.woodward@gordonsllp.com and we will try and assist you.

Leeds Law Society 17.12.2019