As Kirsty’s decade with The Solicitors’ Charity ends, the wellbeing work continues 

Kirsty McEwen, TEP, Partner and Head of Charity & Not for Profit for Higgs LLP, has served as a Trustee for The Solicitors’ Charity since 2014. As she bows out of her distinguished ten-year term, we reflect that she has been an active Board Member, acted as Treasurer and chaired the People and Development Committee during that time. Her experience and approach have been invaluable, especially as this has been a transformative time for the Charity, becoming the modern, wellbeing support organisation that it is today.  

Kirsty says of the experience: “I have found being a Trustee for The Solicitors’ Charity immensely rewarding and interesting. Understanding that there are many colleagues in my profession (and those who have retired) needing the safety net the Charity provides means that I have been acutely aware of the challenges that people face – like money worries, poor mental health and professional challenges at work.”   

She continues: “I am pleased and proud to have been a trustee at a pivotal time when we can provide solicitors with help with so many aspects of their wellbeing. This could include struggling with the cost of living and money management, ill health, disability, domestic violence, and anxiety, which may be caused by work-related stress.”   

The Chair of The Solicitors’ Charity, Ginny Cannon, said: “Kirsty has been an invaluable member of the Board. She has served as Treasurer and as Chair of the People and Development Committee. She has also been our Charity Law expert, providing excellent guidance in the increasingly complex world of charity governance. Kirsty has played a huge part in keeping the Charity safe over the last 10 years and we all owe her a huge debt of gratitude and will miss her.”   

She went on to reflect: “Personally, I will miss her greatly, particularly for her good-natured down-to-earth approach, and flashes of humour and empathy which have lightened the load when considering sometimes gruelling topics and scenarios. It has been a pleasure to work with you.”  

Kirsty concludes by saying: “As my term of office ends, the important work that The Solicitors’ Charity does continues, and I would urge anyone to reach out in times of need for non-judgemental and confidential all-round support. I would also remind firms and local Law Societies that donations of all kinds are welcomed, including unclaimed client balances. Please do think of the Charity when you have spare funds available”. 


Notes to editors: 

The Solicitors’ Charity provides comprehensive support to improve the wellbeing of solicitors, helping them to overcome life’s challenges. 

People approach the charity for help for all sorts of reasons – because of struggles with the cost of living and money management, ill health, disability, distress through domestic violence, and anxiety, often caused by work-related stress or life-connected trauma. 

Support in the form of regular donations from trusts, foundations, local law societies, firms and individuals, and unclaimed client balances (RCBs) from firms, is needed more than ever by the charity in these challenging times.  

The Solicitors’ Charity works with clients to identify packages of wellbeing support to help them return to being self-sustaining such as: 

Emotional/mental support – with providers of psychotherapy, an initial assessment is offered followed by funded sessions with qualified therapists. The charity part-funds the mental health and wellbeing charity, LawCare, with trained lawyer volunteers providing peer support.  

Financial support – if individuals are struggling with finances and money management, with expert partners, the charity help with budgeting and drawing up practical money management plans. Because of increasing demand, it signed up Pennysmart to provide more capacity and expertise for clients to tap into in 2024.  

Professional/career support – clients may be returning to work after a break or may need to change the sector of the law they practice in. Perhaps they have been made redundant and need support with securing their next job. The charity funds career counselling support with partner, Renovo.   

Physical support – anyone can experience physical illness or disabilities affecting their ability to work or manage at home. The Solicitors’ Charity provides occupational health assessments which help with adaptations to continue with life.  

Find out more about The Solicitors’ Charity by visiting:

For all media enquiries: 

Donna Jones 
023 8023 8001