Business and Property Court in Leeds Category

Posts categorised under
"Business and Property Court in Leeds"

Leeds BPC Standard Directions (modified CH1)

Business and Property Court in Leeds, Court Information Board

These model orders are to be used as the basis for any draft directions or consent orders for directions in Leeds, with any appropriate modifications. In addition the Judges are happy to receive feedback on the documents (e.g. is anything...

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Leeds BPC Standard Directions (modified CH1)

Business and Property Court in Leeds, Court Information Board, News

These model orders are to be used as the basis for any draft directions or consent orders for directions in Leeds, with any appropriate modifications. In addition the Judges are happy to receive feedback on the documents (e.g. is anything...

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Business and Property Court in Leeds, Court Information Board, News

RE LEEDS COUNTY COURT (BUSINESS & PROPERTY WORK) CEDR MEDIATION SCHEME You will know that there has been a recent focus, in the Court of Appeal and at the Civil Justice Council in particular, on alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The...

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